Welcome to this learning experience offered FREE to members of The Leading Heart and the W.O.W. Academy.
This experience is based on Fitz's second book in the Heartbeat series, titled Heartbeat: How to Stay Out of Life's MUCK and Tap Into The Love Wisdom. (Available on Amazon in both print and audio. Each chapter has a section called "Thoughts To Ponder", to use as a book study.
The experience consists of nine videos, each with an average length of about 15 minutes and access to the Intuition Matters Group where you can meet up with your peers and Fitz for additional learning. The following is a list of lessons and their respective topics:
LESSON ONE: Consciousness and Energy
LESSON TWO: Everything is Energy and Vibration
LESSON THREE: Stopping the Egoic Self, Also Known as MUCK
LESSON FOUR: Dare to Believe
LESSON SIX: Mental Fitness and Releasing Trauma and
MUCK LESSON SEVEN: The Innate Intuitive Intelligence and Love Wisdom
LESSON EIGHT: The Steps to Learning How to Download and Tap Into the Love Wisdom
LESSON NINE: 20 Signs You Are Tapping Into the Love Wisdom We hope that this course will provide you with valuable insights and tools to tap into your own love wisdom and live a more fulfilling life.
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